These thoughts were written prior to October 13, 2008 – The birth of Joshua Isaac
As I sit here and ponder what is about to happen, I smile.
My first grandchild, who happens to be a boy, is on the wayand I am amazed and overwhelmed. I used to tease my children, telling them not to have babies too early because it would ruin my youthful image… but now that this one is so close to arriving, my image doesn’t seem to matter anymore. I have many thoughts going through my head at this time, but one that jumps out is, how do you tell your grandson that you are a spirit medium?
How do you explain that you talk to “the other side” – to spirits and dearly departed family, friends and guides? When Iwas a child my grandmother always spoke about spirits and what happens when people pass over. She explained that our souls roam for three days after death, which could explain why people experience visions of loved ones shortly after their passing. This is usually followed by an adjustment period, a time of rest and recuperation, because leaving our loved ones on earth can be difficult.
Mama said we could see spirits and even hear or smell them. If you have ever experienced a fragrance that you associated with someone when they were alive on earth – and couldn’t detect the source of the smell – consider that it might be a relative in spirit attempting to make contact. Maybe you have heard a knock on the door or the windows rattling, for no apparent reason. That could be their way of letting you know that they are doing well and you need not worry. My grandmother always spoke to me with a gentle voice, and never once did I hear fear in what she was saying.
The world contains many cultures and religions – each of which holds strong, heartfelt beliefs. Not everyone believes in spiritualism and I’m sure many people actually fear the spirit world. As I grew older, I realized that family and cultural environment have much to do with how we see and feel. I’m sure that the way my grandmother spoke and presented the spirit world to me had a lot to do with how I accept it myself today. I also realize there is a drive in me to learn as much as possible about this “unseen” world.
My grandmother continues to advise me from the spirit world, the same as she guided me while alive. For example, in meditation many years ago, I asked my grandmother a question. By that time, she had crossed over and was a spirit herself. I could see her so clearly and to this day I have not forgotten. I wanted to know if my children would give me grandchildren when they were older and she told me that my daughter Maiteland would be the only one of my three kids who would have children. And she was right, even all those years ago. My sons, both of whom are now past forty have not had children and I feel they probably never will. My daughter Maiteland will shortly deliver her first child – my first grandchild.
And to answer my question “How do I tell my grandson that I am a spirit medium?” – I will do as my grandmother did. I will speak with a gentle voice and present him with many positive stories and good experiences so that he, too, will have no fears about the world of spirit. – Reverend Janet M. Reynolds (YaYa) and Blue Feather