Join in the fun!
Green Day Party Extravaganza
has been cancelled.
This Sunday there’s going to be a party! We will have three vendors – Cat Thurlow, Sharon Less, and Dorothy Roby will be on hand to share their expertise and passion of empowering others while being gentle on the Earth.
Cat Thurlow spends her time promoting Miche (prononced me chee) products. The main focus of this company is purses that use an inner liner that holds your essentials and outer skins that can be interchanged quickly! This ingenious idea saves time for the busy woman – never forget an important item again because you didn’t transfer it from one purse to another!
Sharon Less is a representative for Kara Vita products. These high quality skin care products were originally offered through doctors for burn patients. Luckily the market has been expanded to include the rest of us!
Shaklee has gained household name status. This is the company that Dorothy Roby tirelessly and passionately shares with the world. As Dorothy exclaims, “With these products you can be beautiful both inside and out!”
Come meet these wonderful women with their infectious excitement for their respective offerings, and maybe you’ll learn about something that might enhance your own life or maybe someone that you know.
For more information, call Janet at 813.814.1601.
Green Day Pary Extravaganza
11004 Landon Lane
Tampa, FL
Sunday, June 29, 2014 2pm – 5pm