

    Thank you so much for coming to my last event where I was able to give you messages from your loved ones and Spirit. I hope you had a great time receiving your message.

    Could I have a few minutes of your time? If you would, please answer a few questions for me. This will give me an opportunity to make sure I'm serving your to the best of my ability.

    As a thank you, I'd like to extend an invitation. Fully fill out this questionnaire and I'll give you a 10% discount on your next reading.

    Let me know how to reply back to you. How else would I know who to give the discount to?

    Could I have your Zip Code so I know generally where people are located? This will help me offer services close to you.

    Overall, how satisfied are you with the event?
    very satisfiedsomewhat satisfiedneutralsomewhat dissatisfiedvery dissatisfied
    Please Rate the following:
    This Location     :very satisfiedsomewhat satisfiedneutralsomewhat dissatisfiedvery dissatisfied
    Message length: very satisfiedsomewhat satisfiedneutralsomewhat dissatisfiedvery dissatisfied
    Message quality: very satisfiedsomewhat satisfiedneutralsomewhat dissatisfiedvery dissatisfied
    Do you have a comment about the above ratings?

    If you knew I was having another gallery event, how likely are you to attend again?
    most definitely!I'll check my calendarmaybe, maybe notgood chance notnope, not even
    How likely are you to recommend me to one of your friends?
    most definitely!maybe, maybe notgood chance notnope, not even
    How interested are you in the following events?
    House party
    most definitely!I'll check my calendarmaybe, maybe notgood chance notnope, not even
    Your own personal reading
    most definitely!I'll check my calendarmaybe, maybe notgood chance notnope, not even
    Physical classes to increase your intuitive abilities
    most definitely!I'll check my calendarmaybe, maybe notgood chance notnope, not even
    most definitely!I'll check my calendarmaybe, maybe notgood chance notnope, not even
    Online classes
    most definitely!I'll check my calendarmaybe, maybe notgood chance notnope, not even
    Online messages
    most definitely!I'll check my calendarmaybe, maybe notgood chance notnope, not even
    Your turn. Do you have any suggestions for improving what I offer, or is there something different you'd like for me to offer? I'm looking forward to hearing what you have to say. Thanks!